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We are so honoured to share part of our story with you all, and then dive in deeper when we meet. ;-)

Having walked this healing journey both alone and together, we have experienced countless shamanic and tantric ceremonies, transformational healing practices, as well as embodiment practices of the inner masculine and feminine. We are now able to share this divine union not only as part of the container of our relationship, but also with others on their journey.

Ever since we became romantic partners, we have deepened our gifts, committed to creating harmony and are in a constant dance between flow and action of the feminine and masculine, honouring our divine essences in the process.


As a result, we give birth to ΛLKIMIΛ RETREΛTS to pass on a unique, intimate and transformational experiences in form of spiritual awakening retreats in beautiful and handpicked venues around the world.



facilitator & host & co-founder of alkimia retreats 

Our main facilitator Juliana Arango

After years of looking for the meaning of feminine energy and why she has been suppressed from society, the feeling awoke in me to yearn to see into the mysteries of feminine energy.

The moment when I felt my Womb and healed my trauma and sexual shame, I could feel her voice coming back to life. This magical portal of creation spoke to me tears of joy, pain, anger, laughter, and ecstasy; simultaneously, I was reclaiming my sexual sovereignty after years of leaking my sexual power and numbness. My connection to the primordial energy (Shakti) and the embodiment of the holy wild women has liberated me from being free and loving all dimensions of the sacred women in me.

That made me attract and receive my beloved partner in a sacred union and love deeply without fear. Thus I got initiated as a Tantric Shamanic priestess holding the art of sexual alchemical keys to teach from my Womb space and guide other women to embody their feminine energy to reclaim the holy wild women.

Honored with great humility to hold space and facilitate safe spaces where women can go deeper with my sacred offerings retreats, personal experiences, inner marriage ceremonies, ecstatic Kundalini Dance, shamanic Womb Awakening, and 1:1 mentorships.

All these practices guide women to embody their femininity, unite with the divine masculine, and assist in the Rising of Humanity.

MACIEJ, nice to meet you!

planning & host & co-founder of alkimia retreats

Years of corporation life with patriarchal hierarchies, constant competition, and being surrounded by primarily disconnected colleagues led to the deterioration of my health and sleepless nights. I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, depressed moods, and a miserable body image. That was an awakening moment for me. My body communicated with me with so much pain that I was holding from this masculine toxicity of patriarchal society.

I was committed to changing my life, and I knew there was a better way. I decided against the western medication suggested by every doctor I saw. I was empowered to take an alternative approach and take responsibility for my healing and happiness.

The awakening was real! I read countless books, changed my eating habits, attended numerous spiritual, shamanic, and tantric workshops and journeys with plant medicine, and changed my lifestyle, including no alcohol or caffeine, no nights in dance clubs, and, most importantly, quitting corporate life. After two years, I was back in excellent health and felt fitter than I had in the previous ten years.

The positive side effect of this odyssey was that I got to know myself well and thus knew the walk I wanted to walk. As within so without, that was my approach to my life.

Before I met my beloved Juliana, I also healed how I was showing up in a relationship, and I understood what kind of woman I wanted to walk and share this life journey with. I embody a healthy man that knows what he wants, and I have finally encountered the reality that I knew was passable in my life. I have opened my heart to receive this love in my life. 

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